North Countries Universities Mathematical Competition

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite students of your University to take part in the 10th  North Countries Universities Mathematical Competition (NCUMC) which will be held at St. Petersburg National Research  University ITMO on 21-23. 04. 2024 (the day of competition is Sunday, 21.04.2024). 

Address: Saint Petersburg, Lomonosova, 9. 

The competition is intended for university students of countries from all over the world who are

interested in mathematics.  We invite both University teams and individual participants. If your University

would like to participate in team competition, please, send me the University team list. Each University

can present one team including three students and any number of students for individual competition.

Team members participate in individual competition too.

You can find the information about NCUMC and register (the deadline for registration is 15.04.2024) at the Olympiad site:

We invite organizers of the University teams to send us problems for the competition to the following address: Please, do this before 10.04.2024.

If you have no possibility to visit St. Petersburg and to take part in our main competition, you can

participate in the INTERNET VERSION of NCUMC. For this purpose you should organize a mirror of

NCUMC 2024 at your University. To do this, please, send me the letter with the following

information: your name and position, your University, list of students which plan to participate in the

internet version of NCUMC. If your University would like to participate in team competition, send me

the University team list. Each University can present one team including three students and any

number of students for individual competition. Team members participate in individual competition

too.  On the day of NCUMC (Sunday, 21.04.2024 at 10-00 (Moscow time)), I will send the problem

list to your e-mail address. Students have 4 hours for solving the problems. I will send you the

marking scheme for evaluation of student’s works. You evaluate the works of your students and

form the table of their results (presenting points for each problem).  Then, you make scans of

student’s works and send it me with the table of results. The deadline for sending is 22.04.2024,

23-59 (Moscow time). The ranking of internet participants is separate from the ranking of the main


If you have any question, I would be happy to answer it. My e-mail address:

We are glad to cooperate with you.

Sincerely yours,

Vice Chairman of the Organizing Committee,

Igor Yu. Popov

Archive NCUMC:

NCUMC 2023: Problems and Results
NCUMC 2022: Problems and Results
NCUMC 2021: Problems and Results
NCUMC 2019: Problems and Results
NCUMC 2018: Problems and Results
NCUMC 2017: Problems and Results
NCUMC 2016: Problems and Results
NCUMC 2015: Problems and Results
NCUMC 2014: Problems and Results